Monika Wyss – Systemic Therapist & Family Constellation Trainer
Heal Your Past & Transform Your Life

I’m Monika

What I Offer
Family Constellation Sessions:
Conducted in 1 on 1 sessions or in group workshops.
Dive deep into the heart of your family’s legacy with Family Constellation Sessions. Discover hidden dynamics and heal intergenerational traumas, unlocking a path to personal freedom and transformation.
Heart Healing® Sessions:
HeartHealing® developed by Natasha Bray is an integrative healing approach, operating within the subconscious realm and healing the old wounds, personal and generational. Feeling more safe, lovable, good enough and abundant are the effects of healing the heart wounds.
The Richards Trauma Process™ Sessions
TRTP™ is a unique therapeutic process designed to address and resolve the symptoms of trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. It combines elements of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and other modalities to create a powerful approach to healing.
Family Constellation Foundation Course
Join the course to learn the theory of Family (Systemic) Constellations, integrate the insights of systemic processes and incorporate the philosophy into your professional practice as a therapist, coach or counsellor. The course provides powerful self-development and awareness processes to improve your life and is the first step to become FC practitioner.
Family Constellation Practitioner Course
Is a 10 months long journey of learning, practicing and conducting individual and group family constellation sessions. You will learn how to identify and work with family dynamics, and how to apply the approach to a variety of different issues and concerns. During the course you will go through a profound inner work yourself.
Healing the Inner Child Journey
Let’s re-discover, re-connect and heal your Inner Child. This powerful work can help you to heal from psychological trauma, dysfunctional patterns and behaviours, while allowing you to step into your greatness. It can help to change your old limiting beliefs and empower you top take a next step towards living a fulfilling life.
Healing the Mother Wound
During the course you will explore the imprints that your Mother left in you. Through personal and systemic processes you will be able to heal the past and shift into empowered state. Relationship with the Mother has huge influence on our intimate relationships and our success. And who doesn’t want to be loved and be successful?
Healing the Father Wound
In the Healing Father Wound course you will explore your emotional bond with your father (whether he was present or absent), the imprint he left in you and the masculine energy in your life. You will discover the trauma passed down through the generations and will learn how to take care of yourself and heal the wound step by step.
Reset your Nervous System
In this course you will learn practical techniques and insights to help you regulate and optimize your nervous system functioning for improved mental and emotional well-being. You will learn evidence-based strategies to manage stress, overhealm, promote relaxation, and enhance resilience in your daily life.
Precisous Moments of What I Do
Healing Journeys Through Family Constellations.

What People Experience
Healing The Mother Wound, Oct 2023
"The Mother Wound Course by Monika Wyss has been a transformative journey that deepened my understanding of my relationship with my mom and the pain that she carried. It provided the tools and insights I needed for healing, and I am truly grateful for this...
Healing The Mother Wound, Oct 2023
During 4th week guided meditation with Monika. I saw what my mother carried and I broke down, couldn't stop crying. I thought carrying the death of 7 siblings was heavy. She had to carry that, and losing her parents, brother, go through war, and start a family and a...
FC Foundation & TRTP™ Nov 2022
A kindred spirit is always hard to find, because it is like coming home. Monika Wyss taught and treated me with Family Constellation and The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP). For me, meeting Monika was like coming home, getting both a teacher and a healer, as well as a...
FC Workshop Jan 2024
Just wanted to share that since u did my constellation, I have no experienced any heart pains. In addition, my nose has cleared - it used to be blocked due to sensitive nose issue I inherited from my dad. :)But most imptly, I took your advice and engaged someone to...